STEP 1: We receive your Hair Donation at CUTS AGAINST CANCER.
STEP 2: All Donated Hair must pass the Quality Control Guidelines of the factory that manufactures the Medical Wig Prosthesis for CUTS AGAINST CANCER recipients. Only 10 - 15 % of all the hair donated will pass Factory Requirements, because, most of the Donated Hair we receive are too short, colored, permed, rebounded or chemically processed in other ways. This makes the Donated Hair problematic for the Factory Manufacturing of Medical Wigs.
[Note: It takes about 12-15 ponytails of the correct length [12 inches and more] of uncolored, non-permed, non-bonded or unprocessed NATURAL HAIR to make one Medical Wig Prosthesis for donation to a woman or child with cancer and hair loss.]
STEP 3: We need to find Company Sponsors or individuals who will financially sponsor the production of the Medical Wig Prosthesis. To produce one Medical Wig Prosthesis costs $250-350 USD this includes labor, materials, shipping costs, customs, legal licenses and certifications and administration compared to other organizations and foundations which ask their Supports to donate $ 1000 - $ 3000 USD. We cannot start production until we first have a will Sponsor. In the past, all the Medical Wigs provided to recipients of CUTS AGAINST CANCER Medical Prosthesis' - were donated and exclusively sponsored by the Founder's own personal funds. But that burden can no longer be carried alone. Therefore, please approach your company and ask if they would like to help us provide FREE Medical Wigs to needy women and children with cancer and hair loss. We will make the Medical Wigs with your company or individual logo sewn on the tag inside the cap of the wig. We will donate the prosthesis on the behalf of you or your company, or you can donate it yourself to your recipient to any or woman or child with cancer or hair loss. It's a GREAT and NOBLE gesture for you or your company to represent your public image and your corporate social responsibility projects which show that you ARE GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY.
ALL Hair Donors, Financial Supporters and Sponsors, please make sure to " TAG " yourselves on our Facebook, so that your everyone can see your kind and generous deed.
E-Certificates of Appreciation will be posted on our Facebook, please remember to tag yourself and families so that you may inspire others to help and support our NGO ORG with their donations as well.